Saturday, August 14, 2010

New blog

Why starting over with a new blog?
I havent bloged in a long time now. But i wanted to start again, and I felt like i needed something else than my AndyMcNub-blog. So here we are. Iammammal.

What does Iammammal mean?
It means I am mammal. 'Caus that's what I am. What we are. Humans. Animals. Mammals.

How did you come up with the name?
Well, I've been playing a game called Mass Effect alot lately. A science fiction game taking place year 2183. You play as Commander Shephard, a human elite soldier, and set out to explore the Galaxy.
When you explore the Milky Way and meet all the other alien species, you really understand how small Earth and humanity is in this galaxy.
So for an alien species, we are nothing but animals.

So you believe there's life in outer space?
I certainly do, yes. I mean, there are millions of sun systems in this galaxy. Thats millions of planets! Ofcourse there have to be other planets out there with at least bacterium, and thats life.

What are you going to write about in this blog?
Not sure. Guess I'll write about my life and what's running through my head.

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