Haha, internet alltså XD
En kille har problem med att hans Xbox-kontroll inte vibrerar när han spelar Halo Reach (Jag har själv råkat ut för det). Så han skriver på Bungie's forum och ber om hjälp. HAHA Det är inte direkt hjälpsamt folk som svarar!
"OMG I HAVE an awesome idea!! OMG OMG
Enable vibration... Done"
"How can you even play with it on? I never understood that."
"I wonder why you want it to vibrate, sicko."
"Just shake your controller a lot."
"I just had the best idea ever.
Get this, a controller... shaped like a... steering wheel.
Right? Good? Maybe a break pad and gas peddle?
Plug a cord from the wheel to another controller shaped like a gun.
Right? Good? Any takers? Maybe add a horn? Turn signals?"
"tl:dr, OP wants more lube and a vibrating controller."
"i know what you were all thinking..."
"that's what she said"
"u dirty boy! u would want vibrating peripheals! ohohohoo!"
"You like that vibration huh?"
"You have to take it OUT of your pants first."
"Your girlfriend used it too much."
"Shut down your Xbox 360 console and then restart it, it worked for me."
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